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Skincare line.

They drive a 2.3x ppc revenue during dynamic times with smart bidding strategy.

Relying on both digital media channels and strategic physical store partnerships to deliver its skincare products to its customers. However, due to dynamic health times in April 2020, they looked to use their digital media channels to offset lost revenue from their physical store retailers due to temporary store closures.

The Green Line approach.

They empowered Green Line Digital to have open media budgets as long as media tactics stayed within predefined ROAS targets. Since Shopping has historically performed very well for them, 93% of available budget was put towards those campaigns with the rest for supporting Brand and Non Brand search initiatives.

Green Line Digital used 2 separate tROAS portfolio strategies, one with a less restrictive goal for High Performing campaigns and the other with a stricter target for lower priority campaigns. Additionally, campaign budgets were constantly checked to ensure no impression share was being lost to budget.

The results.

April drove 2.3x more revenue from Search & Shopping campaigns compared to March, making it their highest revenue driving month EVER, surpassing 2019 Black Friday/Cyber Monday. Search and Shopping campaigns stayed under their ROAS targets, with ROAS actually improving 27% compared to March.


Increase in revenue


Improvement in ROAs


Budget allocated to shopping